TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012 | ||||||||||
NO | N A M A | NILAI | ||||||||
LS | ||||||||||
1 | 18488 | ALFRIONA DINKA C | 65 | |||||||
2 | 18545 | ANGGA RAHMAN DHANY S | 65 | |||||||
3 | 18547 | AOUTDRE FRILANZHA | 80 | |||||||
4 | 18369 | APRILIA ANGGUN MIA ADI P.A. | ||||||||
5 | 18370 | ARDEA DWI PRAMESTI | 80 | |||||||
6 | 18371 | AZKA NISA SHAFIRA | 80 | |||||||
7 | 18430 | BUNAYYA AHMAD LAZUARDI | 70 | |||||||
8 | 18576 | CYNDYA NANDHANY | 85 | |||||||
9 | 18458 | DAMAR GIAN RIFAI | 80 | |||||||
10 | 18518 | DIAH HEVYKA MAYLAWATI | 85 | |||||||
11 | 18552 | EKO PRASTYO | 85 | |||||||
12 | 18581 | FEBBY RIZKI AYUNINGTYAS | 65 | |||||||
13 | 18526 | FEBRIAN HABIB RIVA'I | 75 | |||||||
14 | 18583 | FHEBY ANGGRAINI | 75 | |||||||
15 | 18553 | GALUH SHITA PRATIWI | 70 | |||||||
16 | 18528 | GESTI KARTANTI | 70 | |||||||
17 | 18499 | GUNTUR PRASETYO NUGROHO | 70 | |||||||
18 | 18554 | HANDY PRATAMA W. | 75 | |||||||
19 | 18555 | KALFINDI NILA FATIKA | 75 | |||||||
20 | 18589 | OGIT YAN JIHAN | 75 | |||||||
21 | 18386 | RINA ASTUTI | 60 | |||||||
22 | 18481 | SHINTA PERMATASARI | 75 | |||||||
23 | 18563 | SHITA SEPTIANINGTYAS | 75 | |||||||
24 | 18482 | SYAFRIAL FADHILLAH | 65 | |||||||
25 | 18564 | TEZA HARDIN S. | 75 | |||||||
26 | 18390 | VALY MUHAMMAD ALMAJID | 70 | |||||||
27 | 18566 | WAHYU AGUNG RIZAL R. | 75 | |||||||
28 | 18595 | WENNY ANINTYA | 95 | |||||||
L | : 12 | MENGETAHUI | ||||||||
P | : 16 | KEPALA SEKOLAH | WALI KELAS | |||||||
| : 28 | |||||||||
HADI SANTOSO, S.Pd, M.M.Pd | SUGENG SUSANTO, S.Pd. | |||||||||
NIP. 19560207 197703 1 005 | NIP. 19680724 200701 1 009 |
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011
TOP 1 Oli Sintetik Mobil-Motor Indonesia
Oli TOP 1 adalah oli yang terjamin, terjaga pada mesin motor anda, dalam segala perjalanan yang akan anda tempuh.
Oli TOP 1 adalah oli yang terjamin, terjaga pada mesin motor anda, dalam segala perjalanan yang akan anda tempuh.
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
Picture in Bali
We have enjoyed in Bali island for five days
We were very happy
And we got many experiences from there
There are many beautiful scenery
We like it very much
We are Mr. Muri, Mr. Ari and Mr. Sugeng
We were very happy
And we got many experiences from there
There are many beautiful scenery
We like it very much
We are Mr. Muri, Mr. Ari and Mr. Sugeng
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
Ass wrb untuk pembaca di bandara penerbangan Ramadhan di bumi milik Allah SWT.
Penerbangan " RAMADHAN AIR " Nomer Penerbangan 1431 H. Tujuan : IDHUL FITRI. Kita akan terbang selama kurang lebih 30 hari dengan ketinggian IMAN diatas permukaan HAUS DAN LAPAR, bagi penumpang muslem yang soleh dan solekah diwajibkan memakai sabuk pengaman ZAKAT DAN MENEGAKKAN KURSI SHOLAT. Penerbangan ini bebas DEDAM PERSELISIHAN DAN FITNAH... Diharapkan sesama muslem untuk saling memaafkan.
Kami mengucapkan " MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATHIN ATAS SEGALA SALAH DAN KILAF SERTA SELAMAT MENJALANKAN IBADAH PUASA (MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN". Selamat mengikuti penerbangan semoga selamat sampai tujuan dan akhirnya mendapatkan kebahagian DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT amiiiin... ami... ya robbal alamin..
Sugeng Sekeluarga.
Penerbangan " RAMADHAN AIR " Nomer Penerbangan 1431 H. Tujuan : IDHUL FITRI. Kita akan terbang selama kurang lebih 30 hari dengan ketinggian IMAN diatas permukaan HAUS DAN LAPAR, bagi penumpang muslem yang soleh dan solekah diwajibkan memakai sabuk pengaman ZAKAT DAN MENEGAKKAN KURSI SHOLAT. Penerbangan ini bebas DEDAM PERSELISIHAN DAN FITNAH... Diharapkan sesama muslem untuk saling memaafkan.
Kami mengucapkan " MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATHIN ATAS SEGALA SALAH DAN KILAF SERTA SELAMAT MENJALANKAN IBADAH PUASA (MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN". Selamat mengikuti penerbangan semoga selamat sampai tujuan dan akhirnya mendapatkan kebahagian DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT amiiiin... ami... ya robbal alamin..
Sugeng Sekeluarga.
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Ma’la Ibn al-Fadhl said about the Salaf (the pious predecessors): “They used to call upon Allah for six months until Ramadan reached them, then they would call on Him the other six months that Allah may accept it from them.” And Yahya Ibn Abee Katheer said, “Their supplication used to be,
‘O Allah, keep me safe until Ramadan, and make Ramadan faultless for me, and secure it for me as an accepted (month of virtue).’”
The early generations of the Ummah used to make Du'a 6 months after Ramadan that Allah accept their deeds in Ramadan. And for the next 6 months, they would make du'a to Allah to grant them the blessing of being alive in the coming Ramadan.
Some of the many important lessons we learn from Ramadan are:
v Developing Taqwa
Fasting has been legislated in order that we may gain taqwa, as Allah – the Most High – said:
"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed upon those before you in order that you may attain taqwa." [Qur’an al-Baqarah 2:183]
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Fasting is a shield with which the servant protects himself from the Fire." (Hasan: Ahmad, authenticated by al-Albani in Saheeh ut-Targheeb)
So we should ask ourselves, after each day of fasting: Has this fasting made us more fearful and obedient to Allah? Has it aided us in distancing ourselves from sins and disobedience?
v Seeking Nearness to Allah
"Whosoever reaches the month of Ramadan and does not have his sins forgiven, and so enters the fire, then may Allah distance him." (Ahmad and al-Bayhaqee)
v Acquiring Patience
What is meant by the month of Patience is the month of Ramadan …so fasting is called patience because it restrains the soul from eating drinking, conjugal relations and sexual desires." (At-Tamheed of Al Haafidh ibn Abdul Barr)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"O youths! Whoever amongst you is able to marry, then let him do so; for it restrains the eyes and protects the private parts. But whoever is unable, then let him fast, because it will be a shield for him." (At-Tamheed of Al Haafidh ibn Abdul Barr)
So fasting is a means of learning self-restraint and patience. With patience we are able to strengthen our resolve to worship Allah alone, with sincerity, and also cope with life’s ups and downs. So – for example – with patience we are able to perform our Prayers calmly and correctly, without being hasty, and without merely pecking the ground several times!
With patience we are able to restrain our souls from greed and stinginess and thus give part of our surplus wealth in Zakaah (obligatory charity). With patience we are able to subdue the soul’s ill temperament, and thus endure the ordeal and hardships of Hajj, without losing tempers and behaving badly. Likewise, with patience we are able to stand firm and fight Jihad against the disbelievers, hypocrites and heretics – withstanding their constant onslaught, without wavering and buckling, without despairing or being complacent, and without becoming hasty and impatient at the first sings of hardship. Allah – the Most High – said:
"O Prophet, urge the Believers to fight … So if there are one hundred who are patient, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there be one thousand, they shall overcome two thousand, by the permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient ones." [Qur’an al-Anfaal 8:65-66].
Thus, without knowledge and patience, nothing remains, except zeal and uncontrolled emotions, shouts and hollow slogans, speech that does not strengthen, but rather weakness, and actions that do not build, but rather destroy! So in this month, we should strive to develop a firm resolve for doing acts of obedience, and to adorn ourselves with patience – having certainty in the saying of our Messenger sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam: "And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship." ( Saheeh: Ahmad, at-Tabaraanee in al-Kabeer, authenticated by al-Hilaalee in as-Sabrul Jameel)
v Cultivating Good Manners
Fasting is not merely abstaining from eating and drinking. Rather, it is also abstaining from ignorant and indecent speech. So if anyone abuses or behaves ignorantly with you, then say: I am fasting, I am fasting." (Saheeh: Ibn Khuzaymah and al-Haakim, who authenticated it.
v Sensing Muslim Unity
As Muslims from all around the world commence Ramadan we realise that we are part of a community our hearts and actions united in pursuing Allah’s pleasure. There are many ahadith mentioning the blessings of breaking the fast together and there is also much reward in feeding a fasting person. So let us unite in this month of Mercy.
So Ramadan – it is that light in the souls of the righteous and the truthful, and in the hearts of the devout and sincere it gives happiness; for it is the month of obedience, and in it there are beautiful reflections for us all. Indeed, it grants victory to the soul over the body and flesh and gives us a wonderful opportunity to straighten ourselves up with our Lord.
During this month of Sha’baan we should find out more about the traditions of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) related to Ramadan and make a sincere effort to implement them this year. We should also try to purify our hearts and intentions before the commencement of Ramadan to make this fast successful for our families and ourselves. Insha’Allah
Ramadan is also an opportunity to renew relationships that may have been broken during the year and we should try and clear up any disputes or bad feelings with other Muslims so we may start this month a fresh.
So we ask Allah to grant us the ability to change ourselves for the better, during this blessed month, and not to be of those who are prevented from His Mercy and Forgiveness. Indeed He is the One who Hears and He is the One to Respond
Preparing for Ramadan
(Qur’an al-Baqarah 2:183)
As the beautiful month of Ramadan approaches this year, there are several things Muslim women can do to prepare themselves spiritually and physically for the month-long period of fasting which is obligatory upon all able-bodied Muslims who have reached the age of maturity.
Giving some thought to the unique concerns that Muslim women face during this month can help us prepare for them and make the month a more successful one. This is especially true for new converts to Islam (because Ramadan is such a new experience) and for married women in general because of the extra responsibility they typically have to make sure that the iftar (the fast-breaking meal served at sunset each day) is ready on time for their families and any guests in addition to continuing to take care of the home, children and other obligations as usual. It is crucial, then, that women take the time to plan for their sleep, health and other concerns before the month even starts.
It is recommended for Muslims to eat a pre-dawn meal (called sahoor in Arabic) each day before the fast begins. The Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) to have said,
"Eat a pre-dawn meal for there are blessings in it." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Other traditions report the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying,
"You should eat [the] pre-dawn meal for it is a blessed nourishment" (an-Nasa'i),
"The pre-dawn meal is blessed so do not neglect it even if you only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and His angels pray for those who have pre-dawn meals." (Ahmad)
The pre-dawn meal provides energy and other benefits to the fasting Muslim during the day so it makes good sense to plan on getting up early to have sahoor. Of course this is better accomplished if you also sleep early so try to think about how you will arrange your schedule once Ramadan begins. If you typically have trouble waking up for the fajr (dawn) prayer, a new schedule in Ramadan may be the motivation you need to change your habits for the better even after Ramadan has ended. Ramadan is a great opportunity that comes once a year to renew your relationship and commitment to Allah
If you are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee in the morning or during the day, be aware that caffeine withdrawal can cause severe headaches while you are fasting. Take some time before Ramadan to wean yourself from caffeine (perhaps gradually) and decide whether it will be necessary to have any caffeine during the non-fasting hours in Ramadan. It may seem like a funny thing to worry about compared to the greatness of this Holy Month but many Muslims have experienced the phenomena of caffeine withdrawal and know to prepare themselves ahead of time to ensure they do not get sick from it.
Women should also know the times that they are prohibited from fasting, such as when they are menstruating or bleeding after childbirth.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women have special permission not to fast during Ramadan if they feel that they or their babies will be harmed by it, but they are not prohibited from fasting if they feel they can handle it. This is something best discussed with a doctor and depends on each woman's unique circumstances. However, it is very important that pregnant and breastfeeding women take care to eat properly during non-fasting hours if they choose to fast. It is also important that women do not feel any shame or guilt in breaking the fast if they feel they must; no one has the right to put pressure on the pregnant or breastfeeding woman to exceed her body's limits. In fact this allowance not to fast should be considered a mercy from Allah and not a punishment.
Likewise, women should not fast just because they do not want to have to make their fasts up later: health should be the prime consideration in deciding whether or not to fast. Take the fast one day at a time: it is not a competition with others but an act of worship for the sake of Allah Most High.
Of course women who are ill or must take medications during the day need to consult their doctors in order to see if it will be possible for them to fast and to change the schedule of their medications. Discuss the issue with a sheikh if you are not sure about your situation.
Whether a woman misses days of fasting due to menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding or illness, these missed days should be made up before the next Ramadan comes. Insha’Allah. Depending on her circumstances and on different schools of thought, making up the fast may be as simple as fasting one day for each day missed during Ramadan, or it may require that she feeds one poor person each day either in addition to, or in place of, fasting herself. Women should consult reliable books or scholars to understand their obligations in this regard. Fiqh us-Sunnah by As-Sayyid Sabiq is an excellent source of reliable information on how to make up missed days of fasting.
Understanding and respecting your body's physical needs and limits during Ramadan will help you to have more energy for taking care of your home, family and other responsibilities
Spiritual preparation is also something that needs to be done before Ramadan comes around – it might seem silly really when you consider we should be spiritually “in tune” 12 months a year. We all seem to get caught up with our hectic schedules and all of a sudden you hear Muslims say: “oh no” Ramadan is in 2 weeks and its “panic time”! Some women busy themselves with spring-cleaning their homes but often we forget to warm up and fine-tune our selves in readiness for this mighty month
Cleanliness - Whenever a guest comes, we prepare in advance for his arrival by vacuuming the carpet, dusting the shelves, and scrubbing the sinks. We should do this for our guest called Ramadan. But the scrubbing should not just be of our physical surroundings; it should include the scrubbing of our sins.
Listen to the words of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), speaking about those people that don't want to clean up for Ramadan,
"Whoever doesn't desist from speaking falsehood and acting upon it, Allah has no need that he desist from his food and drink." (Bukhari)
Fasting in Sha'baan (this Month that we are now in) - The biggest downfall of many Muslims is that they are not properly warmed up for Fasting, some people only do it once a year making their bodies very foreign to going without food and drink.
From here we see the following Sunnah: Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)- observes, "Allah's Messenger never fasted an entire month other than Ramadan and I haven't seen him fast more than he did in Sha'baan."
This is a good way to prepare for Ramadan by fasting in the moth before. The Prophet (saws) also fasted Monday and Thursdays every week. We should make fasting something we do all year round not just in Ramadan so it becomes second nature to us.
As for the Prophet (peace be upon him), he used to give glad tidings to his Companions of the coming of Ramadan, like what is narrated from Imam Ahmad and An-Nisaai from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them), who said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to his Companions,
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011
Malam yang begitu indah
Terasa dingin sekali
Angin berhembus tak begitu kencang
Suasana begitu menggigil
Wajah itu datang kedinginan
Hati ingin menatap wajah itu
Dan wajah itu semakin mendekat
Rasa kedinginan semakin sirna
Kehangatan muncul direlung hati
Hati membara kemana ujungnya
Bersama wajah itu,
Yang selalu ingin bertemu
Malam yang begitu indah
Terasa dingin sekali
Angin berhembus tak begitu kencang
Suasana begitu menggigil
Wajah itu datang kedinginan
Hati ingin menatap wajah itu
Dan wajah itu semakin mendekat
Rasa kedinginan semakin sirna
Kehangatan muncul direlung hati
Hati membara kemana ujungnya
Bersama wajah itu,
Yang selalu ingin bertemu
Preparing for Ramadhan
Preparing for Ramadan
O you who believe! Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).
(Qur’an al-Baqarah 2:183)
As the beautiful month of Ramadan approaches this year, there are several things Muslim women can do to prepare themselves spiritually and physically for the month-long period of fasting which is obligatory upon all able-bodied Muslims who have reached the age of maturity.
Giving some thought to the unique concerns that Muslim women face during this month can help us prepare for them and make the month a more successful one. This is especially true for new converts to Islam (because Ramadan is such a new experience) and for married women in general because of the extra responsibility they typically have to make sure that the iftar (the fast-breaking meal served at sunset each day) is ready on time for their families and any guests in addition to continuing to take care of the home, children and other obligations as usual. It is crucial, then, that women take the time to plan for their sleep, health and other concerns before the month even starts.
It is recommended for Muslims to eat a pre-dawn meal (called sahoor in Arabic) each day before the fast begins. The Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) to have said,
"Eat a pre-dawn meal for there are blessings in it." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Other traditions report the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying,
"You should eat [the] pre-dawn meal for it is a blessed nourishment" (an-Nasa'i),
"The pre-dawn meal is blessed so do not neglect it even if you only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and His angels pray for those who have pre-dawn meals." (Ahmad)
The pre-dawn meal provides energy and other benefits to the fasting Muslim during the day so it makes good sense to plan on getting up early to have sahoor. Of course this is better accomplished if you also sleep early so try to think about how you will arrange your schedule once Ramadan begins. If you typically have trouble waking up for the fajr (dawn) prayer, a new schedule in Ramadan may be the motivation you need to change your habits for the better even after Ramadan has ended. Ramadan is a great opportunity that comes once a year to renew your relationship and commitment to Allah
If you are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee in the morning or during the day, be aware that caffeine withdrawal can cause severe headaches while you are fasting. Take some time before Ramadan to wean yourself from caffeine (perhaps gradually) and decide whether it will be necessary to have any caffeine during the non-fasting hours in Ramadan. It may seem like a funny thing to worry about compared to the greatness of this Holy Month but many Muslims have experienced the phenomena of caffeine withdrawal and know to prepare themselves ahead of time to ensure they do not get sick from it.
Women should also know the times that they are prohibited from fasting, such as when they are menstruating or bleeding after childbirth.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women have special permission not to fast during Ramadan if they feel that they or their babies will be harmed by it, but they are not prohibited from fasting if they feel they can handle it. This is something best discussed with a doctor and depends on each woman's unique circumstances. However, it is very important that pregnant and breastfeeding women take care to eat properly during non-fasting hours if they choose to fast. It is also important that women do not feel any shame or guilt in breaking the fast if they feel they must; no one has the right to put pressure on the pregnant or breastfeeding woman to exceed her body's limits. In fact this allowance not to fast should be considered a mercy from Allah and not a punishment.
Likewise, women should not fast just because they do not want to have to make their fasts up later: health should be the prime consideration in deciding whether or not to fast. Take the fast one day at a time: it is not a competition with others but an act of worship for the sake of Allah Most High.
Of course women who are ill or must take medications during the day need to consult their doctors in order to see if it will be possible for them to fast and to change the schedule of their medications. Discuss the issue with a sheikh if you are not sure about your situation.
Whether a woman misses days of fasting due to menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding or illness, these missed days should be made up before the next Ramadan comes. Insha’Allah. Depending on her circumstances and on different schools of thought, making up the fast may be as simple as fasting one day for each day missed during Ramadan, or it may require that she feeds one poor person each day either in addition to, or in place of, fasting herself. Women should consult reliable books or scholars to understand their obligations in this regard. Fiqh us-Sunnah by As-Sayyid Sabiq is an excellent source of reliable information on how to make up missed days of fasting.
Understanding and respecting your body's physical needs and limits during Ramadan will help you to have more energy for taking care of your home, family and other responsibilities
Spiritual preparation is also something that needs to be done before Ramadan comes around – it might seem silly really when you consider we should be spiritually “in tune” 12 months a year. We all seem to get caught up with our hectic schedules and all of a sudden you hear Muslims say: “oh no” Ramadan is in 2 weeks and its “panic time”! Some women busy themselves with spring-cleaning their homes but often we forget to warm up and fine-tune our selves in readiness for this mighty month
Cleanliness - Whenever a guest comes, we prepare in advance for his arrival by vacuuming the carpet, dusting the shelves, and scrubbing the sinks. We should do this for our guest called Ramadan. But the scrubbing should not just be of our physical surroundings; it should include the scrubbing of our sins.
Listen to the words of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), speaking about those people that don't want to clean up for Ramadan,
"Whoever doesn't desist from speaking falsehood and acting upon it, Allah has no need that he desist from his food and drink." (Bukhari)
Fasting in Sha'baan (this Month that we are now in) - The biggest downfall of many Muslims is that they are not properly warmed up for Fasting, some people only do it once a year making their bodies very foreign to going without food and drink.
From here we see the following Sunnah: Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)- observes, "Allah's Messenger never fasted an entire month other than Ramadan and I haven't seen him fast more than he did in Sha'baan."
This is a good way to prepare for Ramadan by fasting in the moth before. The Prophet (saws) also fasted Monday and Thursdays every week. We should make fasting something we do all year round not just in Ramadan so it becomes second nature to us.
As for the Prophet (peace be upon him), he used to give glad tidings to his Companions of the coming of Ramadan, like what is narrated from Imam Ahmad and An-Nisaai from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them), who said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to his Companions,
O you who believe! Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).
(Qur’an al-Baqarah 2:183)
As the beautiful month of Ramadan approaches this year, there are several things Muslim women can do to prepare themselves spiritually and physically for the month-long period of fasting which is obligatory upon all able-bodied Muslims who have reached the age of maturity.
Giving some thought to the unique concerns that Muslim women face during this month can help us prepare for them and make the month a more successful one. This is especially true for new converts to Islam (because Ramadan is such a new experience) and for married women in general because of the extra responsibility they typically have to make sure that the iftar (the fast-breaking meal served at sunset each day) is ready on time for their families and any guests in addition to continuing to take care of the home, children and other obligations as usual. It is crucial, then, that women take the time to plan for their sleep, health and other concerns before the month even starts.
It is recommended for Muslims to eat a pre-dawn meal (called sahoor in Arabic) each day before the fast begins. The Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) to have said,
"Eat a pre-dawn meal for there are blessings in it." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Other traditions report the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying,
"You should eat [the] pre-dawn meal for it is a blessed nourishment" (an-Nasa'i),
"The pre-dawn meal is blessed so do not neglect it even if you only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and His angels pray for those who have pre-dawn meals." (Ahmad)
The pre-dawn meal provides energy and other benefits to the fasting Muslim during the day so it makes good sense to plan on getting up early to have sahoor. Of course this is better accomplished if you also sleep early so try to think about how you will arrange your schedule once Ramadan begins. If you typically have trouble waking up for the fajr (dawn) prayer, a new schedule in Ramadan may be the motivation you need to change your habits for the better even after Ramadan has ended. Ramadan is a great opportunity that comes once a year to renew your relationship and commitment to Allah
If you are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee in the morning or during the day, be aware that caffeine withdrawal can cause severe headaches while you are fasting. Take some time before Ramadan to wean yourself from caffeine (perhaps gradually) and decide whether it will be necessary to have any caffeine during the non-fasting hours in Ramadan. It may seem like a funny thing to worry about compared to the greatness of this Holy Month but many Muslims have experienced the phenomena of caffeine withdrawal and know to prepare themselves ahead of time to ensure they do not get sick from it.
Women should also know the times that they are prohibited from fasting, such as when they are menstruating or bleeding after childbirth.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women have special permission not to fast during Ramadan if they feel that they or their babies will be harmed by it, but they are not prohibited from fasting if they feel they can handle it. This is something best discussed with a doctor and depends on each woman's unique circumstances. However, it is very important that pregnant and breastfeeding women take care to eat properly during non-fasting hours if they choose to fast. It is also important that women do not feel any shame or guilt in breaking the fast if they feel they must; no one has the right to put pressure on the pregnant or breastfeeding woman to exceed her body's limits. In fact this allowance not to fast should be considered a mercy from Allah and not a punishment.
Likewise, women should not fast just because they do not want to have to make their fasts up later: health should be the prime consideration in deciding whether or not to fast. Take the fast one day at a time: it is not a competition with others but an act of worship for the sake of Allah Most High.
Of course women who are ill or must take medications during the day need to consult their doctors in order to see if it will be possible for them to fast and to change the schedule of their medications. Discuss the issue with a sheikh if you are not sure about your situation.
Whether a woman misses days of fasting due to menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding or illness, these missed days should be made up before the next Ramadan comes. Insha’Allah. Depending on her circumstances and on different schools of thought, making up the fast may be as simple as fasting one day for each day missed during Ramadan, or it may require that she feeds one poor person each day either in addition to, or in place of, fasting herself. Women should consult reliable books or scholars to understand their obligations in this regard. Fiqh us-Sunnah by As-Sayyid Sabiq is an excellent source of reliable information on how to make up missed days of fasting.
Understanding and respecting your body's physical needs and limits during Ramadan will help you to have more energy for taking care of your home, family and other responsibilities
Spiritual preparation is also something that needs to be done before Ramadan comes around – it might seem silly really when you consider we should be spiritually “in tune” 12 months a year. We all seem to get caught up with our hectic schedules and all of a sudden you hear Muslims say: “oh no” Ramadan is in 2 weeks and its “panic time”! Some women busy themselves with spring-cleaning their homes but often we forget to warm up and fine-tune our selves in readiness for this mighty month
Cleanliness - Whenever a guest comes, we prepare in advance for his arrival by vacuuming the carpet, dusting the shelves, and scrubbing the sinks. We should do this for our guest called Ramadan. But the scrubbing should not just be of our physical surroundings; it should include the scrubbing of our sins.
Listen to the words of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), speaking about those people that don't want to clean up for Ramadan,
"Whoever doesn't desist from speaking falsehood and acting upon it, Allah has no need that he desist from his food and drink." (Bukhari)
Fasting in Sha'baan (this Month that we are now in) - The biggest downfall of many Muslims is that they are not properly warmed up for Fasting, some people only do it once a year making their bodies very foreign to going without food and drink.
From here we see the following Sunnah: Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)- observes, "Allah's Messenger never fasted an entire month other than Ramadan and I haven't seen him fast more than he did in Sha'baan."
This is a good way to prepare for Ramadan by fasting in the moth before. The Prophet (saws) also fasted Monday and Thursdays every week. We should make fasting something we do all year round not just in Ramadan so it becomes second nature to us.
As for the Prophet (peace be upon him), he used to give glad tidings to his Companions of the coming of Ramadan, like what is narrated from Imam Ahmad and An-Nisaai from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them), who said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to his Companions,
Senin, 30 Mei 2011
Telling story

By . AsyakhofiddinSug
In antiquity, in West Java there lived a princess named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting in the woods. Each hunt, he was always accompanied by her beloved dog named Tumang. Tumang is actually the incarnation of the god, and also the biological father Sangkuriang, but Sangkuriang not know about it and his mother was deliberately concealing it.
One day, as usual Sangkuriang go into the woods to hunt. Once when he got in the woods, Sangkuriang start looking for prey. He saw a bird that was perched on the branch, then without thinking Sangkuriang shot, and right on target. Sangkuriang then ruled earlier Tumang to chase prey, but the Tumang silent and refused to follow orders Sangkuriang. Because very annoyed at Tumang, then Sangkuriang and drove Tumang and not allowed to go home with him again.
At home, Sangkuriang told the incident to her mother. Upon hearing the story of her son, Dayang Sumbi very angry. She took a spoon of rice, and struck to the head Sangkuriang. Because his mother was disappointed with the treatment, then Sangkuriang decided to go wandering, and left home.
After the incident, Dayang Sumbi very sorry for his actions. He prayed every day, and ask for a day to meet with him again. Because of the seriousness of Dayang Sumbi prayer, then God gave him a gift of eternal beauty and youth forever.
After many years Sangkuriang wandering, he eventually intends to return to his hometown. When I got there, he was very surprised at all, because his hometown had changed completely. Sangkuriang pleasure is increased when the time in the middle of the road met a very beautiful woman, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Since these enchanted by her beauty, then the direct Sangkuriang proposed. Finally an application is received by Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang, and agreed to be married in the near future.
One day, his future wife Sangkuriang requested permission to hunt on health consultants. Before leaving, he asked Dayang Sumbi to tighten belts and trim kapalanya. Dayang Sumbi surprise, because when she was tidying Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. The scar is similar to scar her child. After asking about the cause of the wound it Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi increases might expect to see, because it is true that the prospective husband is her own child.
Dayang Sumbi very distraught, because he can not be married to her own child. After Sangkuriang home hunting, Dayang Sumbi trying to speak to Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang cancel their wedding plans. Dayang request is not approved Sumbi Sangkuriang, and only considered wind alone.
Every day Dayang Sumbi thinking about how for their marriage never happened. After thinking hard, Dayang Sumbi finally found the best way. He applied two conditions to Sangkuriang. If Sangkuriang to satisfy these two conditions, the Dayang Sumbi want to be a wife, but otherwise if it fails then the wedding will be canceled. The first requirement Dayang Sumbi wants Citarum river dammed. And the second is, ask Sangkuriang to make a very big boat to cross rivers. The two conditions that must be settled before dawn.
Sangkuriang undertakes both demand Sumbi Dayang, and pledged to finish before dawn. With the magic he has, Sangkuriang then mobilize his friends from the jinn to help complete the task. Secretly, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang peek of the work. How shocked he was, because Sangkuriang almost all the terms given menyelesaiklan Dayang Sumbi before dawn.
Dayang Sumbi then ask for help communities to roll out a red silk cloth to the east of the city. When I saw the color red in the east of the city, Sangkuriang thought that it was already early morning. Sangkuriang immediately stop work and felt unable to meet the requirements that have been proposed by Dayang Sumbi.
With a sense of annoyance and disappointment, Sangkuriang then break down the dam which he had built himself. Because jebolnya dam, then there was a flood and the whole city under water. Sangkuriang also kicked a big boat that has been made. Canoes that floated and fell face down, then became a mountain named Tangkuban Perahu.
Once upon a time, there was a widow who lived alone,Because there was no one on her side,she felt and dreamed of the presence of a child.In the small village.She say at heart”when I have a child,Iam tired of live alone”.. And she think to call BUTO IJO.
Widow : It has been a long time I haven’t got a child, Last minnner is call buto ijo.
(She clack her hand, and buto ijo is coming)
Buto ijo : Hemmmm...ha..ha…ha…ha…. !! Why you called me ??
Widow : I have one request to you it has been a long time I haven’t got a child.
can you help me ?
Buto ijo : of course, but I have one prerequirement for you!
Widow : what is it?
Buto ijo : If you have a child, you must give me,if your child grow up.
Widow : O.K !!!
Buto ijo : This is a seeds cucumber,if cucumber already ripe. Pick them and Crack, you have a new child.
Two weeks passed and the cucumber started to bear fruits,and there was one which was large and shined like gold. The widow pickad the large cucumber and splitted it carefully and it appeared that, there was a cute baby was named Timun Emas. And as the time goes on,timun emas grow up. Buto ijo goes to timun emas hut and he dun timun emas widow promise.
Buto ijo : where is your child ??
Mother : She goes to play with her friend
Buto ijo : Don’t lie! You must keep your promise !
Mother : But She really plays with her friend !!
Buto ijo : O. K.. but you must call your child now !!
Mother : ye… yeah !!
Few minutes latter ,,,, In timun emas’s friend home
Mother : Timun emas.. I want to say important matter to you !
Timun emas : What is mom ?
Mother : Actually, before you was born, I have one promise to buto ijo
Timun emas : Who is buto ijo?
Mother : He is evil giant who help me to have a child and I make a
promise to him when you grow up,I must give you to him. Now
you must run far from here and I give you four small package
contaid cucumber seeds,needles,salt and terasi.I will pray for you
safety from the giant
Next mother say to buto ijo
Mother : Buto ijo…. Timun emas not in anywhere
Buto ijo : Don,t lie again
(afterwards,buto ijo look timun emas)
That is timun emas ! don’t run !!
Mother : Run timun emas… Run !!!
Buto ijo overtake timun emas…
He chased her. When she was almost caught,she dispersed the cucumber seeds from the package and they suddenly became cucumber field. He was interested in eating the cucumber. Then she was almost caught she dispersed the needles from the package that became bamboo field. His feet were wounded and bled.pricked by the bamboos. Yet he didn’t give up and kept chasing her,then she dispersed the salt from the package and the field became a sea. Yet he kept chasing her. Finally, she dispersed the terasi from the package. Suddenly appeared boiling sea mud, and finally he was dead. With the dead of the giant,Timun emas could live happily with her mother.
Once upon a time there was a young man lived alone in a village. He didn't have anything except his flute that never left his side.
Jaka Tarub, what everyone called him. Everybody in the village love Jaka Tarub because he is such a good man.
As always, Jaka Tarub likes walking around the village to forget his loneliness. When he was going for a walk while engrossed in playing his flute, he didn't realize that he arrived in the middle of a deserted forest. He just knew it when the night came. Now Jaka Tarub was in the middle of bushes trees and he did not see a single person around it. He only heard the cricket voice and the frog that echoing each other.
"Where am I? I think I got lost," he told himself. But Jaka Tarub didn't worry at all. He kept on walking until he got tired and fell asleep.
In his sleep, Jaka Tarub dreamt seeing a very beautiful butterfly. It color was white reddish. Jaka Tarub tempted to catch the butterfly, but when his hands almost got it, the butterfly flew away. When he woke up, he stared at the sky. At that moment, he saw the butterfly again. It was just like the butterfly in his dream. Jaka Tarub slapped his own face. "Auww," he yelled painfully. This meant that he didn't dream. He felt so hungry and his body was shaking, yet he still awoke thought he didn't believe what he just saw. He blinked his eyes so many times.
Actually, the butterfly was seven fairies who were getting near the earth. Their smells differently. Smell that didn't belong in earth and only the fairies who have it. The looked like humans but their beauty were so different.
Jaka Tarub couldn't stop looking at them. But there was something peculiar in the seventh fairy. Her beauty didn't like the other six. "Maybe this is the youngest fairy," thought Jaka Tarub. He then kept on staring at the last fairy who descended in the earth without blinking his eyes. The more he stared, he became more astonished. For the first time in his life, Jaka Tarub fell in love!
Upon reaching the earth, the fairies went straight to the lake in the middle of the jungle. They opened their clothes and put them in the trees. "What are they doing?" asked Jaka Tarub.
"Wait! Don't you feel happy yet," yelled the youngest sweet voice. "Take this splash!"
"You won't splash us, Adinda Nawang Wulan!" yelled her sisters. "Give it up!"
Jaka Tarub kept on watching them behind the trees. "So, her name is Nawang Wulan. I am right, she's the youngest," whispered Jaka Tarub fondly. But he knew this meeting was only temporary. His world wouldn't meet their world. However, he was in love.
"No matter how, I have to get Nawang Wulan!" promised Jaka Tarub to himself. He then acted quickly. He took Nawang Wulan's cloth.
"No matter how, I have to get Nawang Wulan!" promised Jaka Tarub to himself. He then acted quickly. He took Nawang Wulan's cloth.
The sky became darker, it was time for the seven fairies to get back to their castle, "Adinda Nawang Wulan, hurry and get dressed. Play time is over!" yelled her sisters.
"Why don't you go first, Kanda. I'll be right behind you," said Nawang Wulan. "But wait Kakanda, where is my cloth?!"
"Maybe someone took your cloth?"
"Maybe your cloth was taken mistakenly by the other sister?"
"Dear Kanda, I really don't know where my cloth is," worried Nawang Wulan. However, her sisters couldn't wait any longer. They had to go back, no matter what. "Adinda Nawang Wulan, be brave," yelled her six sisters while flying away. They separated eventually.
Now Nawang Wulan was all alone. What if night come? where can I get help? asked herself. This fairy kept on crying.
Jaka Tarub heard her crying, he then walked to her and asked, "Dear beautiful girl, why are you crying? How come you in this jungle?"
Nawang Wulan told him her problem, Then didn't know how, the fairy felt so comfortable telling him about herself.
They then introduced themselves. Jaka Tarub
invited Nawang Wulan to his house. At the house Jaka Tarub gave her some girl village clothes and asked her to dressed. Nawang Wulan didn't have any suspicions at all toward him. She was taught back home to trust other people, so that was what she did: trust him.
invited Nawang Wulan to his house. At the house Jaka Tarub gave her some girl village clothes and asked her to dressed. Nawang Wulan didn't have any suspicions at all toward him. She was taught back home to trust other people, so that was what she did: trust him.
Not long aftet that, Jaka Tarub proposed Nawang Wulan. She said yes with one condition: Jaka Tarub was forbidden to aske her how she did her daily chores. "Okay," said Jaka Tarub.
From that day, they became a happily husband and wife. They became happier with the arrival of their beautiful baby named Nawangsih.
At first Jaka Tarub had his doubt. He worried Nawang Wulan cou;dn't do his duty as a good wife and mother, because she was a fairy and her life must have been so much different from a normal human. But surprisingly she was soo good at finishing her daily chores.
Beside that, Jaka Tarub had been asking himself about her. Why? From washing clothes, cooking rice and caring for her child, Nawang Wulan had done it perfectly. All the works must have been affecting her appearance, but no. She still remained beautiful as a fairy.
Jaka Tarub became more and more curious. How did my wife do all the house chores perfectly? And why did her appearance remain the same? How did she do it? So Jaka Tarub decided to find out himself. Until one day, he broke his promise to Nawang Wulan unintentionally.
When night came as usual he watched her wife preparing plates, spoons complete with the dishes. When Jaka Tarub wanted to get the rice, he was so shocked to find an uncooked rice! The plate should've been full of rice.
Since then, Nawang Wulan's life was changed. She no longer could rest. Tiredness was beginning to show in her face. Her beauty as fairy slowly began to fade.
Nawang Wulan couldn't take it any more. "Nawangsih, my child, forgive me because I have to leave you," Nawang Wulan was so sad.
Beside the granary, Nawang Wulan lay weakly. No one could help her. Only Nawangsih, her daughter who was sitting close by her side.
Suddenly, Nawang Wulan smelled something good in the granary. The smell she was familiar with. The smell brightened her spirit She instantly looked for the source of the smell.
It turned out the smell came from her used to be missing clothes. "This is my missing fairy clothes. But why did my husband hide it?" asked Nawang Wulan curiously.
Nawang Wulan immediately wore the clothes. She felt reborn again. It was magic! At that moment Nawang Wulan felt like she was used to be, a fairy again.
Jaka Tarub was so shocked knowing that. But then they realized if human and fairy's world could were different. But Nawang Wulan promised that she never left him and their daughter, Nawangsih. She also promised if Jaka Tarub or Nawangsih need help, the help would come.
Years later..
Jaka Tarub and his daughter lived happily. They never lacked of anything All Jaka Tarub dan her daughter's wishes always came true easily. It mean Nawang Wulan kept her promise.
Jaka Tarub and his daughter lived happily. They never lacked of anything All Jaka Tarub dan her daughter's wishes always came true easily. It mean Nawang Wulan kept her promise.
The Moral:
Whe should always work hard to fulfill our dreams. But we have to fulfill it in the right ways. If we get it the wrong way, the result will be bad too.
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